会社名 | 株式会社都市居住文化研究所 |
創立 | 昭和63年4月 |
資本金 | 10,000,000円 |
代表者 | 北條 誠 |
一級建築士登録 | 第116540号 北條 誠 |
一級建築士 事務所登録 |
京都府知事(03A)第00657号 |
業務内容 | ●生活文化、地域、景観、都市・開発、居住文化に関する、企画・調査・研究 ●環境型住宅団地、娯楽、医療、福祉、高齢者による施設の、計画・設計管理 ●都市住居、生活文化、景観形成、まちづくりに関する各種情報、資料収集等 |
住所 | 〒604-0847 京都府京都市中京区烏丸通二条下る秋野々町518 前田エスエヌビル 6F |
TEL | 075-252-2231 |
顧問 | 元大阪工業大学教授 道家 駿太郎 元鳥取環境大学教授 吉村 元男 |
1994年 | 京都市『新庁舎アイデアコンペ』入賞 |
1997年 | 第5回京都市都市景観賞建築部門受賞 |
1998年 | 兵庫県下平成10年度優良賞 住宅金融公庫総裁賞 第10回住宅月間建設大臣表彰等各賞受賞 |
2023年 | 第36回日経ニューオフィス賞 近畿ニューオフィス奨励賞 |
A brief of personal history of Architect Makoto Hojo
Year of birth: 1950
Place of birth: Hiroshima (and had grown up in Kyoto)
Main career:
from 1972 to 1974, as an officer of Kyoto City (Kyoto Municipal Education Board)
from 1974 to 1991, as a staff member of Regional Planning Architectural Institute Co.,Ltd.
from 1991 until now, the president of Urban Dwelling Culture Laboratory, Co.,Ltd.
Hobbies: yachting, movie watching, and reading
Professional Affiliations: The Japan Institute of Architects (JIA)
Being working at Kansai major company as an architectural planning consultant for 18 years, architect M. Hojo had been dealing with more than 50 projects, participating in the architectural plan, design and the supervision on each project.They are from the new town planning, and the projects of infant care and medical care facilities, to the projects of govermental and cultural facilities. From 1991 until now, architect M. Hojo has also been dealing with the projects like the planning of the synthetic hospitals, the health care home for the aged, the reconstruction of the university campus, the public condominiums, the office buildings, the institutions, the factories, the stores, the reconstructions of the traditional houses of Kyoto, as well as the consulting business on the reconstruction of the district, landscape investigation, and the town planning supporting etc.
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